JH Norton Company Inc

At JH Norton Company, we take pride in being a trusted provider of top-notch solutions. Our commitment revolves around delivering quality and innovation to meet the diverse surface preparation needs of various industries. With a comprehensive range of sandblasting equipment and abrasive blasting supplies, we ensure efficiency and reliability in every project.


Integrated Surface Preparation and Coating Removal Technology Suite for Enhanced Efficiency and Safety  


Shipyard surface preparation and coating removal processes suffer from inefficiencies, safety hazards, and environmental concerns. Current methods are labor-intensive, hazardous, and often lack precision. This results in decreased productivity, increased costs, and potential risks to workers and the environment. Existing technologies may address some aspects but fail to offer a comprehensive solution that balances efficiency, safety, and environmental sustainability. There is a critical need for an integrated solution that streamlines operations, enhances productivity, ensures worker safety, minimizes environmental impact, and provides cost-effective alternatives to traditional methods. 

Technology Solution:

Our integrated surface preparation and coating removal suite offers a streamlined solution for shipyard operations. With the RPR Heat Induction, SPU, Cloverleaf Pad Eye, and Spot Blaster, we prioritize worker safety and environmental sustainability. These technologies optimize productivity, enhance safety, and minimize environmental impact, providing cost-effective alternatives to traditional methods.


Overall, our technology suite empowers shipyards to achieve operational excellence, reduce costs, improve safety, and minimize environmental footprint, driving long-term success and sustainability. 
