Registration for the CTMA Partners Meeting is open. Please read the description of ticket types thoroughly before registering. No day rates provided. Registration cutoff deadline is April 21, 2020.
Please, see the information below. If you have any questions, please contact
Exhibitor Ticket Types
CTMA Partners Meeting – Exhibitor
Attend and Exhibit at the CTMA Partners Meeting Tuesday, May 5 through Thursday, May 7.
Ticket includes:
- 1 Exhibitor Attendee Registration
- 1 Exhibitor Tabletop Space
Additional Exhibitor support staff should register as an attendee.
Early Bird Pricing (until 3/22): $550
Standard pricing (3/23 – 4/21): $650
NCMS Member Discount
A discount is available to NCMS Members only using discount code NCMS20member.
Base Access
Information will be posted shortly.
Forms must be submitted by April 21. All forms must be in by this date or base and event access will be denied.
Military ID and Active CAC Holders
While no pre-vetting information needs to be provided, your Militray ID or active CAC must be present with you at the gate.
Military ID or active CAC holders DO NOT need to complete the provided base access form.
Non-U.S. Citizenship Information
Individuals who have dual citizenship or are foreign nationals will be granted access on a case by case basis. Please contact prior to April 3, 2020, to coordinate. All Non-U.S. citizens will be under escort while on the property.
Business casual is acceptable for all events.
Photographs will be taken throughout the CTMA Partners Meeting to be used in social media and future informational and promotional efforts. If you are unable to be in public photography, please notify
Cancellation Policy
After April 21, 2020, no refunds will be granted.
Bookings are closed for this event.