VALMT Project Cited as Example of NCMS Collaboration in Automotive Engineering Online

The Volumetric Accuracy for Large Machine Tools (VALMT) project was recently cited as a successful example of the NCMS cross-industry collaboration model which teams multiple organizations to share the costs and reap benefits of cutting edge R&D.

The VALMT project team pioneered an innovative process in establishing a new methodology in volumetric error compensation for large machine tools.  The costs for current assembly practices of measuring and fitting are substantial; reducing the amount of reworking of machined parts during onsite vehicle assembly will save the Department of Defense (DOD) and the commercial aircraft industry millions of dollars.

VALMT has been honored with a Defense Manufacturing Award and an R&D 100 Award.

From the article:

…NCMS is without doubt the U.S. leader in forming and managing complex, multipartner, cross-industry collaborative R&D programs. NCMS provides the tools that allow its members to collaborate.

Full Article as seen in Automotive Engineering Online