Project Announcement: Augmented Reality Used to Enable the Advanced Manufacturing and Maintenance Workforce

The U.S. Marine Corps is seeking the support of an external partner to pilot the use of an Augmented Reality (AR) tool (e.g. smart glasses) among maintenance personnel to give them hands-free access to technical publications, schematics, and other references on the shop floor. It is interested in a tool that would allow personnel to receive assignments in real time, track and record work, interact with Internet-of-Things-enabled devices, and send messages and live video to colleagues.

Interactive AR technologies increase the speed and quality of technicians’ work; at the same time, they can collect data to support managerial decision making. The Marine Corps seeks to reduce the time costs associated with communicating and accessing information from the shop floor.

To learn more about this project contact We encourage the participation of Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBEs), including Minority Business Enterprises (MBEs) and Women’s Business Enterprises (WBEs).